Green Tea

The Prophet liked to go to the Kaba enclosure at night. He would stand there in prayer for long hours. One evening, he suddenly felt deeply tired and in great need of sleep. He therefore lay down near the Kaba and fell asleep.
Muhammad  has related that the Angel Gabriel then came to him.Gabriel shook him twice to awaken him, but Muhammad  slept on; the third time the angel shook him, Muhammad  awoke, and Gabriel took him to the doors of the mosque, where a white animal (looking something like a cross between a mule and a donkey, but with wings) was waiting for them. He mounted the animal, which was called al-Buraq, and started with Gabriel toward Jerusalem. There Muhammad  met a group of prophets who had preceded him (Abraham, Moses, and others), and he led a group prayer with them on the Temple site. When the prayer was over, the Prophet was raised with the Angel Gabriel beyond space and time. On his way, rising through the seven heavens, he again met the various prophets, and his vision of the heavens and of the beauty of those horizons permeated his being. He at last reached the Lotus of the Utmost Boundary (Sidrat al-Muntaha). This was where the Prophet received the injunction of the five daily prayers and Revelation of the verse that established the elements of the Muslim creed (al-aqidah):

“The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the believers. Each one believes in God, His angels, His books, and His Messengers. We make no distinction between one and another of His Messengers. And they say: ‘We hear, and we obey: [we seek] Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the end of all journeys.” Quran 2:285

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- by Syihabudin Ahmad -
“Seorang ibu telah meninggal dunia akibat barah perut yang di alaminya, bukankah ini merupakan syahid yang disebutkan didalam hadis?”
Syahid terbahagi kepada tiga bahagian:
(1)  Syahid Dunia dan Akhirat
(2)  Syahid Dunia
(3)  Syahid Akhirat
Syahid Dunia dan Akhirat
Mereka adalah umat Islam yang mati terbunuh akibat peperangan dengan orang Kafir. Mereka bertempur, tidak berundur. Supaya menjadikan Kalimah Allah ditinggikan. Dan Kalimah Kuffar direndahkan. Tanpa sebarang impian dan matlamat duniawi.
[Ruj. Mughni Muhtaj, Jil.1, m/s 350]
Di dalam sebuah hadith yang disampaikan oleh Abu Musa r.a., beliau telah berkata:
Dua orang lelaki telah datang kepada Nabi s.a.w. lantas bertanya untuk memahami (sebuah masalah): “Seorang perajurit berperang kerana harta, seorang lagi kerana zikir (Alllah), dan seorang lagi berperang kerana mahu dilihat kedudukannya (rsombong), yang mana satukah yang telah berperang di jalan Allah?” Rasulullah pun menjawab: “Orang yang berperang untuk menjadikan kalimah Allah itu tinggi, ia adalah (berperang) dijalan Allah.”
[Direkodkan oleh al-Bukhari]
Syahid Dunia
Mereka adalah umat Islam yang berperang dengan orang kafir kerana ingin mendapatkan harta rampasan perang, atau untuk menyombong diri, atau bagi mendapatkan kepentingan-kepentingan dunia.
Syahid Akhirat
Mereka adalah umat Islam yang terbunuh secara zalim (musibah) seperti orang yang mati kerana penyakit diperut, atau kerana penyakit Taun,  lemas, mati akibat pertempuran (rompakan atau sebagainya), Penuntut ilmu yang mati semasa menuntut ilmu, orang yang bernifas dan mati ketika itu, dan sebagainya.
Namun, terkecuali bagi orang yang mati dalam musibah tetapi atas dasar maksiat yang dia lakukan sendiri seperti mati kerana AIDS disebabkan perlakuan sumbang, mati ketika melahirkan disebabkan zina dan seumpamanya.
Abu Hurairah menyampaikan sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. :
Lima jenis orang Syahid: (1) Orang yang mati akibat taun, (2) Mati akibat penyakit perut, (3) Mati lemas, (4) Mati akibat musnah, dan (5) mati syahid dijalan Allah.
[Direkodkan oleh al-Bukhari]
Begitu juga dalam sebuah hadith yang lain:
Rasulullah pernah bertanya kepada para sahabat: “Siapakah yang dikira syahid menurut kamu?” Para sahabat berkata: “Orang yang dibunuh dijalan Allah, merekalah orang Syahid.” Rasulullah berkata: “Kalau begitu, umat aku akan sedikit (kerana bukan semua yang turun berperang)” Mereka pula bertanya: “Kalau begitu, sipakah mereka wahai Rasulullah?” lantas Rasulullah berkata: “Siapa yang dibunh dijalan Allah (jihad perang) maka di syahid, dan siapa yang mati dijalan Allah maka di syahid, dan siapa mati akibat taun maka dia syahid, dan siapa mati (akibat openyakit diperutnya) maka dia syahid.”
[Direkod oleh Muslim]
Mausu`ah al-Fiqhiah (Ekskilopidea Hukum Fekah) , Kementerian Wakaf dan Hal-Ehwal Islam- Kuwait, Cetakkan Kementerian, 1983. (Jilid ke 23, Muka Surat : 273)
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Question:  What are the best ways a muslim can thank Allah for all the blessings HE has bestowed on us.
Praise be to Allaah.

Thanks or gratitude means reciprocating kindness and giving praise to the one who has done good and kind things. The one who is most deserving of thanks and praise from people is Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted, because of the great favours and blessings that He has bestowed upon His slaves in both spiritual and worldly terms. Allaah has commanded us to give thanks to Him for those blessings, and not to deny them. He says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Therefore remember Me (by praying, glorifying). I will remember you, and be grateful to Me (for My countless Favours on you) and never be ungrateful to Me”
[al-Baqarah 2:152]

The greatest ones who obeyed this command, and gave thanks to their Lord until they deserved to be described as shaakir and shakoor (thankful) are the Prophets and Messengers (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him).
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Verily, Ibraaheem (Abraham) was an Ummah (a leader having all the good righteous qualities), or a nation, obedient to Allaah, Haneef (i.e. to worship none but Allaah), and he was not one of those who were Al‑Mushrikoon (polytheists, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allaah, and those who joined partners with Allaah).
121. (He was) thankful for His (Allaah’s) Favours. He (Allaah) chose him (as an intimate friend) and guided him to a Straight Path (Islamic Monotheism — neither Judaism nor Christianity)”
[al-Nahl 16:120, 121]
“O offspring of those whom We carried (in the ship) with Nûh (Noah)! Verily, he was a grateful slave”
[al-Isra’ 17:3]

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- by Ustaz Anwar Mohamad -

Inilah ungkapan khalifah Islam yang kedua, sahabat besar Baginda s.a.w. yang telah disabdakan, "Jika setelahku diutuskan nabi, Umarlah orangnya."

Daripada ibn Umar r.a., sabda Baginda s.a.w. lagi, "Sesungguhnya Allah meletakkan kebenaran itu di atas lidah Umar." 

Menyelusuri detik-detik kewafatannya, ia dilalui dengan penuh tragis; ditikam oleh seorang hamba Majusi bersama Abu Lu'luah. Ketika itu Khalifah Umar sedang khusyuk mengimami solat Subuh. Perit menanggung kesakitan tikaman, masih lagi memikirkan hubungannya dengan manusia serta hubungannya dengan Pencipta melalui soalannya:
"Siapakah yang menikam diriku?" 

Bimbang ketidakadilan pemerintahannya membuatkan manusia berdendam dengannya.
"Sudahkah daku mengerjakan solat?"
Bimbang akan tanggungjawabnya dengan Allah jika belum tertunai. Saat itu tergambar bahawa telah termakbul doanya dahulu:
"Ya Allah! Matikanlah aku syahid di jalan-Mu dan di dalam nengeri-Mu."

Terus bercita-cita ingin bersama kekasih murabbi agung, Sayyiduna Muhammad s.a.w.. Ketika di atas ribaan anaknya, Ibn Umar, beliau menyuruh agar kepalanya diletakkan di lantai. Acap kali beliau pengsan, diangkat semula kepalanya ke pangkuan. Saat tersedar, disuruh meletakkan kepalanya di lantai semula. Perlakuan ini menghairankan si anak serta sahabat yang berada di sekeliling. Jawab Umar apabila ditanya:
"Celakalah diriku! Celakalah ibuku jika Allah tidak merahmati diriku."Rasa takut menyelubungi.
Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas r.a. cuba menenangkan gundah-gulana khalifah yang sedang bertarung dengan kesakitan yang semakin hebat itu dengan mengungkapkan pujian terhadap kelebihan-kelebihan dianugerahkan Allah kepadanya. Umar menjawab, "Adakah pada kepimpinan itu engkau memujiku? Demi Allah! Sesungguhnya diriku berada dalam kekuasaan-Nya. Lebih aku sukai jika diriku keluar dari dunia ini sepertimana aku memasukinya, tiada pahala dan juga dosa."


Perkara yang membawa seseorang wanita kepada keselamatan dan kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. Antaranya, hendaklah melaksanakan kewajipan agama.
Dalam sebuah hadis riwayat al-Bazaar, Rasulullah SAW bersabda (yang bermaksud): Jika seseorang wanita solat lima waktu, berpuasa pada Ramadan dan taat kepada suaminya, nescaya ia akan masuk syurga.
Kedua, hendaklah mentaati suami. Hal ini disebut dalam banyak hadis, antaranya hadis riwayat at-Tabarani, daripada Abdullah bin Salam bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda (yang bermaksud): Sebaik-baik wanita adalah wanita yang menyenangkanmu jika kamu melihatnya, mentaatimu jika kau menyuruhnya dan dapat menjaga dirinya dan hartamu ketika engkau tidak bersamanya.
Ketiga, selalu mengingati Allah. Dalam sebuah hadis riwayat at-Tirmizi, bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda (yang bermaksud): Hendaklah kamu (para wanita) memperbanyak membaca tasbih, tahlil, taqdis dan hitunglah dengan ruas jari-jari kerana sesungguhnya mereka akan ditanya dan akan dijadikannya boleh berbicara. Janganlah kamu lalai sehingga melupakan rahmat Allah.
Keempat, solat malam. Dalam hadis riwayat Abu Daud daripada Abu Hurairah r.a dan Abu Said r.a bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda (yang bermaksud): Sesiapa yang bangun tengah malam, kemudian membangunkan isterinya, lalu mereka melakukan solat berjemaah dua rakaat, maka mereka akan dimasukkan dalam golongan orang-orang yang banyak mengingati Allah.
Kelima, berbuat baik dan banyak bersedekah. Dalam sebuah hadis riwayat Ahmad dan Tirmizi, Rasulullah SAW bersabda (yang bermaksud): Wahai semua wanita, bersedekahlah walaupun dari perhiasan kamu sekalian. Sesungguhnya kamu kelak paling banyak menjadi penghuni neraka. Demikianlah, wallahualam
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Green Tea

Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.

Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion. (3:185)

Green Tea

Green Tea

Green Tea

Looking attentively to the biography of the Prophet – peace be upon him – you will find that he was extending a great deal respect to his wives and was paying high attention, care and love toward them.

He was the best example for the ideal manners toward the wife. He was comforting his wives, wiping their tears, respecting their emotions, hearing their words, caring for their complaints, alleviating their sadness, going in picnics with them, racing with them, bearing their abandonment, discussing matters with them, keeping their dignity, supporting them in emergencies, declaring his love to them and was very happy with such love. Here are some attractive examples and shining moments in his life:

Knowing their Feelings 

The Prophet – Peace be upon him – was telling Aisha – May Allah be pleased with her: "I know well when you are pleased or angry from me. Aisha replied: How you know that? He said: When you are pleased with me you swear by saying "By the God of Mohammad" but when you are angry you swear by saying "By the God of Ibrahim". She said: You are right, I just desert you name. In another narration the same tradition ended by saying: "No, by the God of Ibrahim".

Narrated by: Aisha – Degree: Right – the narrator: Muslim – The Source: Al-Musnad Al-Sahih – Page or number: 2439

Understanding their Jealousy & Love 

Umm Salama – May Allah be pleased with her – narrated: she brought food in a dish of her own to the Prophet – Peace be upon him – and his companions. Seeing that, Aisha came holding a tool and broke the dish out of jealousy. Understanding the situation, the Prophet took the two halves of the dish and said to his companions: Eat your food, it is just the jealousy of your mother, then the Prophet took the dish of Aisha and gave it to Um Salama and gave the dish of Um Salama to Aisha. 

Narrated by: Um Salama – Degree: Right – the narrator: Al-Albani – The Source: Sahih Al-Nasa'i – Page or number: 3966

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1. Jangan putus asa

Seorang pencinta sejati tidak akan pernah berputus asa. Dalam perkahwinan, ketabahan dan kesabaran itu amat penting, umpama isi kelapa; amal patinya, buang hampasnya.
Jangan sesekali menjadikan cinta yang pernah hadir dahulu umpama embuh pada pagi hari, kerana sedikit demi sedikit ia menghilang kala bahang mentari kian meninggi. Jika ini dapat dilakukan, maka langkah kedua pasti lebih mudah untuk dilalui, in sha Allah.

2. Perkasakan cinta

Andai pertemuan dengan pasangan adalah kerana cinta, maka pertahankan rasa cinta itu. Namun ia terlebih dahulu perlu dibersihkan daripada nafsu yang menipu, kemudian diperkasakan pula dengan cinta kepada-Nya. 
Gelora cinta ini akan menjadi penawar yang menolak segala kebencian yang hadir terutama ketika berhadapan dengan kerenah pasangan. Jika benar-benar mencinta suami ataupun isteri, maka perasaan cinta ini mampu berfungsi sebagai perangsang untuk membantu pasangan keluar daripada kelalaiannya.
Insafilah, andai benar anda mencinta pasangan di dunia ini dan berkeinginan meneruskan alam percintaan di syurga abadi, in sha Allah, maka dua langkah di atas jangan sesekali diabaikan. Sematkan ayat cinta ini dada kalian; sebagai peringatan, sebagai pedoman cinta orang bertakwa.
Firman-Nya yang bermaksud: "Teman-teman akrab pada hari itu sebahagiannya menjadi musuh bagi sebahagian yang lain kecuali orang yang bertakwa." (Surah al-Zukhruf 43:67)

3. Gantungkan harapan

Jika mengharapkan cinta berkesinambungan hingga ke syurga, maka pergantungan yang benar harus diletakkan kepada-Nya. Mengharap pada manusia, rasa kecewa akan menjelma apabila jalan-jalan harapan itu dinodai dengan perlakuan yang tidak terjangka.
Akan tetapi, menggantung harapan kepada Allah, walau apa jua yang berlaku di akhirnya, maka jiwa akan reda dan pasrah atas setiap ketentuan Yang Esa.
Green Tea

As time has gone by, the people have gone further from the Prophetic way (of Islam and all the Prophets). And so the people have lost much of the sunnah and piety, so that the amount of sincere and righteous Muslims has decreased. It has fallen to such an extent that it has related to the increased selfishness in society.

As society and culture has become more selfish (through materialism, love of dunya etc), more people became influenced by the selfishness. And it kept increasing every decade (and even years at times), such that it has become the norm, and the path that people think is good and aspire to. They think its a "dog eat dog eat world", a "cut throat economy", and that we need to care for ourselves because no one will care for us. It became so accepted that people in general tended to think that there are no people who are pious, sincere or selfless. Thus they negated the existence of the Awliya (friends of Allah swt) of the present (and in many cases, of the past).

The selfish people (which is the norm in society, even amongst Muslims) struggle to overcome their selfishness (which includes their desires) if they try, and because of their ego, they think that if they can't do it (become selfless), then no one can. So they assume wrongly about the selfless people, deny their existence, and treat them like the selfless are selfish people. Since the Prophet said A believer is a mirror of the believer.” [Abu Dawud], the selfish person is seeing his own selfishness in the other.


A hypocrite believes one thing and says another; he says one thing and does another. He knows what’s right and has certain ideals, yet fails to live up to them. 
“Surely the hypocrites strive to deceive Allah, but it is He Who deceives them. And when they stand up for prayer, they stand with laziness only to show off to the people; and they do not remember Allah except a little.” -Surah Nisa, ayah 142
May Allah purify our intentions and protect us from being among the Munafiqun (The Hypocrites). Ameen. Thuma, Ameen.
Jumu’ah Mubarak!

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1. Ketika berkumur, berniatlah kamu dengan,
"Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa mulut dan lidahku ini".

2. Ketika membasuh muka, berniatlah kamu dengan,
"Ya Allah, putihkanlah >mukaku di akhirat kelak, Janganlah Kau hitamkan muka ku ini".

3. Ketika membasuh tangan kanan, berniatlah kamu dengan,
"Ya Allah, berikanlah hisab-hisab ku di tangan kanan ku ini".

4. Ketika membasuh tangan kiri, berniatlah kamu dengan,
"Ya Allah, janganlah Kau berikan hisab-hisab ku di tangan kiri ku ini".

5. Ketika membasuh kepala, berniatlah kamu dengan,
"Ya Allah, lindunglah daku dari terik matahari di padang Masyar dengan Arasy Mu".

6. Ketika membasuh telinga, berniatlah kamu dengan,
"Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa telinga ku ini".

7. Ketika membasuh kaki kanan, berniatlah kamu dengan.
"Ya Allah, permudahkanlah aku melintasi titian Siratul Mustaqqim".

8. Ketika membasuh kaki kiri, berniatlah kamu dengan,
"Ya Allah, bawakanlah daku pergi ke masjid-masjid, surau-surau dan bukan tempat-tempat maksiat"
Green Tea

Selain itu, ibadah ini merupakan kemuncak bagi ajaran Islam. Ini kerana di dalamnya terkandung 1,000 satu pedoman dan pengajaran yang tersurat mahupun yang tersirat. Kelebihan-kelebihan ini nyata mampu menjadi iktibar serta teladan buat para jemaah.


Haji wajib ditunaikan bagi mereka yang mampu. Dan sudah pasti sekalian umat Islam baik yang kaya mahupun miskin pasti memasang hajat menjejakkan kaki ke tanah haram ini. Oleh demikian, rukun Islam kelima ini pasti akan membuatkan kita berusaha untuk mencari rezeki yang lebih agar hasrat untuk melengkapkan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang Muslim tercapai.


Haji merupakan kembara rohani yang begitu mencabar. Para jemaah perlu sentiasa memusatkan fokus mereka terhadap ibadah yang dikerjakan dalam usaha meraih haji yang mabrur. Selain itu, ibadah ini turut menjadi wadah utama dalam membersihkan. Ibadah haji memerlukan kita untuk memiliki fizikal yang kuat dan cergas kerana kita akan menggunakan tenaga yang banyak untuk bergerak dan berjalan. Keupayaan untuk menanggung rindu lantaran berjauhan dengan keluarga serta hal-hal dunia nyata akan melatih kekentalan emosi kita. Dek kerana ini, benteng diri kita untuk menentang segala perkara yang menuntut ketabahan mampu diperkasakan.

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Green Tea

At a time in which the Muslims are beset with trials from every periphery, it is a time when Muslims should continue being Muslims, only better Muslims. I would say to my dear brothers and sisters in Islam “don’t be Sad”; if you are on the true religion – believing in One God and all the Messengers sent to mankind, then don’t be sad.
“…Bear with patience whatever befalls you….” (Qur’an 31:17)
“Be not sad, surely Allah is with us.” (Qur’an 9:40)
Our Prophet (peace be upon him) said
Verily, if Allah loves a people, He makes them go through trials. Whoever is satisfied, for him is contentment, and whoever is angry upon him is wrath.” [Tirmidhi]

Being sad is not encouraged in Islam

Allah Subhana wa’taala said:

“So do not become weak, nor be sad…” (Qur’an 3:139)
“And grieve not over them, and be not distressed because of what they plot.” (Qur’an 16:127)
Sadness prevents one from action instead of compelling one towards it. The heart does not benefit through grief. The most beloved thing to the devil is to hinder the worshipper in the path of Allah. The Muslim must repel sadness and fight in any way that is permissible in Islam.
Perkataan Allah Ta'ala 

قَالَ لَهُ مُوسَىٰ هَلْ أَتَّبِعُكَ عَلَىٰ أَنْ تُعَلِّمَنِ مِمَّا عُلِّمْتَ رُشْدًا 

Musa berkata kepada Khidhr: "Bolehkah aku mengikutimu supaya kamu mengajarkan kepadaku ilmu yang benar di antara ilmu-ilmu yang telah diajarkan kepadamu?" (Al Kahfi : 66)
*Ilmu yang bermanfaat adalah ilmu yang menunjukkan kepada kebaikan

Rosululloh shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“بُعِثْتُ لِأُتَمِّمَ صَالِحَ الْأَخْلاَقِ ”
“Aku diutus untuk menyempurnakan akhlak yang mulia.” [H.R. Al-Hakim dan dinilai sahih oleh beliau, adz-Dzahabi dan al-Albani].

Imam Syafi’i rahimahullah pernah berkata,

شَكَوْت إلَى وَكِيعٍ سُوءَ حِفْظِي فَأَرْشَدَنِي إلَى تَرْكِ الْمَعَاصِي
وَأَخْبَرَنِي بِأَنَّ الْعِلْمَ نُورٌ وَنُورُ اللَّهِ لَا يُهْدَى لِعَاصِي

“Aku pernah mengadukan kepada Waki’ tentang jeleknya hafalanku. Lalu beliau menunjukiku untuk meninggalkan maksiat. Beliau memberitahukan padaku bahwa ilmu adalah cahaya dan cahaya Allah tidaklah mungkin diberikan pada ahli maksiat.” (I’anatuth Tholibin, 2: 190).

Ibnul Qayyim rahimahullah mengatakan, “Jika hati sudah semakin gelap, maka amat sulit untuk mengenal petunjuk kebenaran.” (Ad Daa’ wad Dawaa’,107.)

Abullah bin Mubarak: “Berkata kepadaku Makhlad bin Husain -rahimahullah-: “Kami lebih butuh kepada adab walaupun sedikit daripada hadits walaupun banyak”. (Jami’ li Akhlaqir-Rawi wa Adabis-Sami’ 1/80)

- by Shaikh Assim Alhakeem -

I contemplated on Allah’s instruction to us to magnify Him with all the magnificence. I was amazed by the times we say or hear Allahu Akbar. 

☀The call for prayer is 50 times done by the Mo’athin for the Athan and Iqamah, 

☀we say it during prayers more than 584, including the mandatory prayers, Sunnah and night prayers, and

☀we say it 34 times before sleeping. 

☀We say Allah Akbar about 668 times a day!

Allah is greater than anything that comes to your mind; your spouse, boss, debts or illnesses. If you truly believe that Allah is greater than all, why do you worry? Why are you so tensed and stressed? Why don’t you put your trust in Him? If you believe in Allah, He will be with you and you will never be defeated.

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"If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can aid you after Him? And upon Allah let the believers rely."

[Surah Al Imran 3:160]

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- by Zohra Sarwari -

What are the seven highly effective habits that successful Muslim families must have?

SubhanAllaah, this could be at least 100 habits, however today we will only go over 7 of them inshAllaah.

The first most effective habit of a Muslim family should be to have tawheed in Allaah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala), and how to worship Allaah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala).  To be able to know who He is and what His characteristics are.
The second highly effective habit that every Muslim family must have is worshipping Allaah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) together as a family.
The third highly effective habit that every Muslim family must have is knowing who the Prophet (SallAllaahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam) is, and practicing his sunnah.
The fourth highly effective habit that every Muslim family must have is mercy for the young, and respect for the elders.
The fifth highly effective habit that every Muslim family must have is to listen to each other, and learn to communicate with each other.
The sixth highly effective habit that every Muslim family must have is constantly learning and growing as a family.
The seventh highly effective habit that every Muslim family must have is for them as a family to lead by example.

- by Roziyah Mahamad -

Luqman Hakim adalah seorang genius yang disebut dalam al-Quran. Kisah beliau diabadikan dalam sebuah surah bernama Luqman, yang mengandungi 34 ayat.

Tuhan memaklumkan dalam ayat 12 surah Luqman,
"Sesungguhnya Kami telah memberi kepada Luqman, hikmat kebijaksanaan, (serta Kami perintahkan kepadanya) "Bersyukurlah kepada Allah (akan segala nikmatNya kepadamu)."
Apakah itu hikmah? Hikmah sering dikaitkan dengan sifat arif dan bijaksana. Ia dimiliki oleh orang berilmu, namun tidak semua orang berilmu memilikinya.
Menurut penulis Ruh al-Bayan, hikmah adalah ketepatan dalam memilih yang benar dengan lisan, ketepatan dalam berfikir dengan bantuan anggota badan dan ketepatan bergerak dengan anggota badan. Sekiranya berbicara, Luqman berbicara dengan hikmah. Sekiranya berfikir, beliau berfikir dengan hikmah dan sekiranya bergerak, beliau bergerak dengan hikmah juga.
Ramai orang bertanya kepadanya, "Daripada siapa tuan mempelajari hikmah?" Jawab Luqman,"Saya mempelajari hikmah daripada orang-orang bodoh, dan orang-orang bodoh. Saya melihat ada cacat pada diri mereka lalu saya berusaha menjauhinya."
Thomas Edison adalah seorang inventor yang berjaya mencipta mentol lampu pada tahun 1879. Sebelum itu 9999 cubaannya tidak berjaya. Namun kata beliau,"Saya tidak gagal. Saya berjaya menemui 9999 cara yang tidak menghasilkan mentol lampu." Dalam cubaannya yang ke-10,000 barulah mentol lampu beliau menyala.
Green Tea
Rasulullah (sallAllahu 'alyhi wasallam) used to recite this beautiful du'aa before sleeping:

"O Allah, I submit my soul unto You, and I entrust my affair unto You, and I turn my face towards You, and I totally rely on You, in hope and fear of You. Verily there is no refuge nor safe haven from You except with You. I believe in Your Book which You have revealed and in Your Prophet whom You have sent."

(Muslim 4/2081)

Green Tea

Green Tea
- by Br. Isa Al-Bosnee -

Humans have always been social creatures and in need of friends and companions. Much of our lives is spent in interaction with others. For us Muslims who are living in a society where we are clearly a minority, the issue of choosing the right companions is essential for preserving our Deen. Befriending righteous and virtuous Muslims is an essential means for staying on the Straight Path. Strong individuals, on the other hand, are the core of a strong community, something that Muslims should always strive for.

We all know that we were created for a specific purpose and that Allah the Most High has given us life in order to test us. None of us will deny that we are here for a relatively short period of time and that we shall meet Allah (swt) one Day. Once we know our purpose and our goal, we should seek ways to achieve them so as to benefit our own selves. All of us believe that Allah has sent us a Messenger (saws) and revealed to us the Qur’an, the Best Speech.

In an authentic Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: “A person is likely to follow the faith of his friend, so look whom you befriend.” (1).

The person most noble in character and dealings with fellow humans gave us a very clear message and advice in regard to friendship. We should choose the friend that is satisfied with our Deen and avoid the friend that is displeased with it. Whoever we see and are pleased with his Deen, we should befriend him and whoever we are displeased with his Deen and his manners, we ought to avoid him. There is no good in the companion who does not wish for us (from good) what he wishes for himself. There is also no good in the companion who wishes for us what he wishes for himself, if what he likes for his own soul is leading him towards destruction and Hellfire.
The bases for the actions of those who follow the evil ways are corrupt; their actions are built upon misguidance and deviation. Their deeds are worthless to them as Allah (swt) said: “And We will proceed to what they have done of deeds, so We shall render them to scattered floating dust.” Qur’an 25:23

Their actions, even if we regard them as righteous and noble are of no value to them, so how can they be of benefit to us? Friends are those who feel for their companions, in both happy and sad moments. If we share our feelings with the wrong-doers whose actions are worthless and based on corruption, then we are following the same ways and standards as they are. Affection which results from that friendship leads to love and closeness to other than the righteous believers, and this may even lead to avoiding those who are on the Straight Way. Mixing with followers of any way other than that of the Guidance also results in a change in one’s behavior, morals and conduct.

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