
Dalam Al-Qur’an banyak ayat yang berbicara mengenai kesabaran. Jika diteliti, terdapat 103 kali disebut dalam Al-Qur’an, 
Ini menunjukkan betapa kesabaran menjadi perhatian Allah S.W.T.

1. Sabar merupakan perintah Allah S.W.T. “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, mintalah pertolongan kepada Allah dengan sabar dan shalat, sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar.” (Al-Baqarah: 153). Ayat-ayat yang serupa Ali Imran: 200, An-Nahl: 127, Al-Anfal: 46, Yunus: 109, Hud: 115.

2. Larangan isti’jal (tergesa-gesa). “Maka bersabarlah kamu seperti orang-orang yang mempunyai keteguhan hati dari rasul-rasul dan janganlah kamu meminta disegerakan (azab) bagi mereka…” (Al-Ahqaf: 35)

3. Pujian Allah S.W.T bagi orang-orang yang sabar: “…dan orang-orang yang bersabar dalam kesulitan, penderitaan dan dalam peperangan. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang benar imannya dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang bertaqwa.”(Al-Baqarah: 177)

4. Allah akan mencintai orang-orang yang sabar. “Dan Allah mencintai orang-orang yang sabar.” (Ali Imran: 146)

5.Allah S.W.T. berfirman : “Dan bersabarlah kamu, karena sesungguhnya Allah itu beserta orang-orang yang sabar.” (Al-Anfal: 46)

6. Mendapatkan pahala surga dari Allah. (Ar-Ra’d: 23 – 24)

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Green Tea

Green Tea

Is love that ends in marriage haraam?
Praise be to Allaah.
 The relationship that develops between a man and a non-mahram woman, which people call “love” is a combination of haraam things that transgress shar’i and moral limits.
No wise person will doubt that this relationship is haraam, because it involves a man being alone with a non-mahram woman, looking at her, touching her, kissing, and speaking words filled with love and admiration, which provokes desire.
This relationship may lead to things that are more serious than that, as is happening nowadays.
We have mentioned a number of these haraam things in the answer to question no. 84089.
Studies have shown that most of the marriages that are based on prior love between a man and woman fail, whereas most marriages that are not based on haraam relationships, which people call “traditional marriages”, succeed.
In a field study done by a French sociologist, the conclusion was:
Marriage is more likely to succeed when the two parties did not fall in love before marriage.
In another study of 1500 families, undertaken by Professor Isma’eel ‘Abd al-Baari, the conclusion was that more than 75% of love marriages ended in divorce, whilst the rate among traditional marriages – those which were not based on prior love – was less than 5%.
We can mention the most important causes of this outcome: 
1-    Emotion blinds one to seeing faults and dealing with them, as it is said: “Love is blind”. One or both parties may have faults that make them unsuitable for the other, but those faults only become apparent after marriage.
2-    The lovers may think that life is an unending journey of love, so we see that they only speak of love and dreams, etc. They never speak about the problems of life and how to deal with them. This notion is destroyed after marriage, when they are confronted with the problems and responsibilities of life.
3-    The lovers are not used to debate and discussion, rather they are used to sacrifice and compromise in order to please the other party. Often they have arguments because each party wants to compromise and please the other. Then the opposite happens after marriage, and their arguments lead to a problem, as each one is used to the other agreeing with him or her, without any argument.
- by Shahrul Zaman Lukman -

Al-Ubullah merupakan sebuah kota tua yang termasuk dalam wilayah Basrah. Al-Ubullah diperintah seorang gabenor yang bernama Sinan bin Malik. Sinan mempunyai seorang anak kecil sekitar usia lima tahun yang sangat dicintainya bernama Suhaib. Anak yang aktif dan periang, membuatkan hati Sinan berasa senang apabila melayaninya dan melupai sejenak kesibukannya sebagai gabenor.

Suatu hari Suhaib yang masih kecil ketika itu dan ibunya berangkat ke sebuah kampung bernama al-Tsany, Iraq. Tanpa diduga kampung berkenaan  diserang tentera Rom. Mereka membunuh ramai penduduk kampung, mencuri harta dan menawan yang lainnya termasuk Suhaib.

Suhaib dibawa ke negeri Rom dan dijual untuk dijadikan hamba. Hiduplah Suhaib sebagai hamba abdi, walhal ayahnya adalah seorang gabenor wilayah. Tuannya bersilih ganti, termasuklah daripada kalangan pembesar istana.

Sepanjang masa yang dilaluinya itu, membuatkan dirinya mengenali masyarakat Rom secara lebih mendalam. Dia mendapati di dalam istana-istana mereka penuh dengan perbuatan hina dan keji. Kezaliman berleluasa. Suhaib membenci gaya hidup seperti itu. Suhaib pernah berkata bahawa masyarakat Rom tidak dapat disucikan kembali kecuali ditimpa angin taufan.

Rasulullah (sal Allahu alaihi WA sallam) said:“Keep away from ill-thinking/suspicions because ill-thinking is the greatest falsehood.” [Sahih Bukhari]
During the Abbasid period one of the scholars in Baghdad was greeted by an acquaintance who said,"Do you know what I just heard about your friend?"
Scholar:  "Hold on a minute, before telling me anything I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Triple Filter Test."
The Man: "Triple Filter Test?"
Scholar: "That's right, before you talk to me about my friend it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you're going to say. That's why I call it the triple filter test. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?"
The Man: "No, actually I just heard about it and ..."
Scholar: "All right, so you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my friend something good?"
The Man: "No, on the contrary..."
Scholar: "So, you want to tell me something bad about him, but you're not certain it's true. You may still pass the test though, because there's one filter left: The filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?"
The Man: "No, not really."
Scholar: "Well, if what you want to tell me is neither true nor good nor even useful, why tell it to me at all?"
Allah (subhana WA ta’ala) asks us:
 "O you who believe! Avoid much suspicions, indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh (meat) of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is the One Who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful." [Quran 49:12]
Let's pass our intended speech through the triple filter test before we madly utter our every thought. And lets subject others to the triple filter test too before we hear any number of damaging things from them.
- Source -
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Abul-Laits dengan sanadnya meriwayatkan dari Aisyah r.a. berkata: "Saya tanya kepada Rasullullah s.a.w., Apakah yang cinta itu ingat pada kekasihnya pada hari kiamat?" Jawab Rasullullah s.a.w.: "Adapun ditiga tempat (masa) maka tidak ingat iaitu ketika ditimbang amal sehingga diketahui apakah ringan atau berat, ketika menerima lembaran catatan amal (suhuf) sehingga ia terima imma dari kanan atau dari kiri dan ketika keluar dari neraka ular naga lalu mengepung mereka dan berkata "Aku diserahi tiga macam: Orang mempersekutukan Allah s.w.t. dengan lain Tuhan, dan orang yang kejam, penentang, zalim dan orang yang tidak percaya pada hari kiamat (hisab), maka diringkus semua orang-orang yang tersebut itu lalu dilemparkan semuanya dalam neraka jahannam, dan diatas neraka jahannam itu ada jambatan yang lebih halus dari rambut dan lebih tajam dari pedang, sedang dikanan kirinya bantolan dan duri-duri, sedang orang-orang yang berjalan diatasnya ada yang bagaikan kilat, dan bagaikan angin kencang, maka ada yang selamat, dan ada yang luka terkena bantolan duri, dan ada yang terjerumus muka kedalam neraka."

                        Abul-Laits meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya dari Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata: Rasullullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Diantara dua kali tiupan sangkakala itu jarak empat puluh tahun (Tiupan untuk mematikan dan membangkitkan semula). Kemudian Allah s.w.t. menurunkan hujan air bagaikan mani orang lelaki, maka timbullah orang-orang mati bagaikan timbulnya tanaman (sayur-sayuran)."

                        Abul-Laits juga telah meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya dari Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata: Rasullullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Ketika Allah s.w.t. telah selesai menjadikan langit dan bumi, Allah s.w.t. menjadikan sangkakala dan diserahkan kepada Malaikat Israfil, maka ia meletakkannya dimulutnya melihat ke Arsy menantikan bilakah ia diperintahkan." Saya bertanya: "Ya Rasullullah, apakah shur (sangkakala) itu?" Jawab Rasullullah s.a.w.: "Bagaikan tanduk dari cahaya." Saya bertanya lagi: "Bagaimana besarnya?" Rasullullah s.a.w. menjawab: "Sangat besar bulatannya, demi Allah yang mengutuskanku sebagai Nabi s.a.w. besar bulatannya itu seluas langit dengan bumi, dan akan ditiup hingga tiga kali iaitu pertama Nafkhatul faza' (untuk menakutkan), Nafkhatus sa'aq (untuk mematikan) dan Nafkhatul ba'ats(untuk menghidupkan kembali atau membangkitkan)."

                        Dalam riwayat Ka'ab hanya dua kali tiupan, iaitu mematikan dan membangkitkan. Firman Allah s.w.t. yang berbunyi: "Wa yauma yunfakhu fafazi'a man fissamawati waman fil ardhi illa man sya Allah (Yang bermaksud) Dan pada hari ditiup sangkakala maka terkejut takut semua yang dilangit dan yang dibumi, kecuali yang dikehendaki oleh Allah.    (Surah Annamel : 87)

                        Dan pada saat itu tergoncangnya bumi, dan manusia bagaikan orang mabuk sehingga ibu yang mengandung gugur kandungannya dan yang meneteki lupa terhadap bayinya, dan anak-anak segera beruban dan syaitan-syaitan laknatullah berlarian. Maka keadaan itu berlaku beberapa lama kemudian Allah s.w.t. menyuruh Israfil meniup sangkakala kedua.

                        Firman Allah s.w.t. yang berbunyi: "Wa nufikhafishshuri fasha'iqa man fissamawati waman fil ardhi illa man sya Allah. Tsumma nufikha fihi ukhra fa idza hum qiyamun yandhurun. (Yang bermaksud) Dan ketika ditiup sangkakala maka matilah semua yang dilangit dan bumi kecuali yang dikehendaki Allah, kemudian ditiup lagi, tiba-tiba mereka bangun dan melihat.   (Surah Azzumar : 68)

Green Tea
- By Altaf Husain - 

You cannot escape it. The discussion about habits is all around you: Mom and Dad are constantly telling you to break your bad habits; your teachers are telling you to develop good habits; your friends are pressuring you to adopt their habits; and the television and media are influencing you to explore new and supposedly cool habits. "You will never be successful," the constant refrain goes, "unless you drop your bad habits and develop some good habits." In the end, it's all up to you. You have to decide what your habits are going to be. Have you given this matter some thought?
If you are alive and breathing, you should constantly be engaged in an inner struggle to develop habits which draw you closer to Allah Most High. Success in this world is directly related to the strength of your relationship with Allah. The farther one is from Allah and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), the less likely one is to achieve success in this world and, for sure, even less likely to achieve success in the hereafter. Is it not time for us to reflect upon Islamic teachings to discern the necessary habits of highly successful Muslim youth?
Here are at least seven habits indispensable for highly successful Muslim youth, derived entirely from the Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

#1 Be Truthful

Being truthful is not always easy, especially when we make a mistake. We fret over whether or not to disclose exactly what happened. We sweat, we are afraid, we feel nervous and anxious. We are often afraid that if we tell the truth about what we have done or said, we will be in trouble with our parents or friends. What we forget is that whether we tell the truth or not, Allah Most High knows exactly what took place, even those things that were never manifest or visible to people around us. Despite how burdensome telling the truth might seem, all of us are aware of the feeling of relief we experience when we tell the truth, even if the consequence of telling the truth is punishment. Casting the telling of truth and the fate of the truthful in terms of profit and loss, Allah Most High tells us in the Qur'an:
[This is a day on which the truthful will profit from their truth: theirs are gardens, with rivers flowing beneath — their eternal Home: Allah well-pleased with them, and they with Allah. That is the great salvation, (the fulfillment of all desires).] (Al-Ma'idah 5:119)
So much is to be gained from being truthful as opposed to escaping punishment or blame because of not being truthful. Not being truthful, in fact, leads us down a slippery slope, guaranteeing that with one lie, more lies must be told. Being truthful is not an option for Muslims, but rather an obligation, because our goal in being truthful is Paradise. The beloved of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), said, as narrated by `Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him),
Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise. And a man keeps on telling the truth until he becomes a truthful person. Falsehood leads to al-fujur [wickedness, evil-doing], and al-fujur leads to the (Hell) Fire, and a man may keep on telling lies till he is witten before Allah, a liar." (Sahih Bukhari, Book #73, Hadith #116)
Ultimate success is therefore achieved by living one's entire life — the youthful years, the adult years, and the elderly years — being truthful.

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- by Sheikh Salman al-Oadah -

When we say subhān Allah (Glory be to Allah), we are glorifying Allah above any imperfection or deficiency. It is a declaration of His transcendence.
One of Allah’s names is al-Subbūh. This can be translated as “the Most Glorified”. Allah is the One who possesses all glory. who has no partner or rival, who possesses every aspect of perfection, and whose actions are all holy and free from evil. He is not subject to the capricious and transient qualities of temporal, created beings.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to call upon Allah by this name while bowing and prostrating in prayer: "Most Glorified, Most Holy, Lord of the angels and the Spirit." [Sahīh Muslim (487)]
The Qur’an addresses Allah’s glory in numerous ways and in various contexts. For instance, it commands us: “Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High.” [Sūrah al-A`lā: 1] In this verse, Allah’s glory is mentioned in conjunction with His transcendence.
Allah also says: “Everything in the heavens and on Earth glorifies Allah.” [Sūrah al-Jumu`ah: 1]
“All that is in the heavens and on Earth glorify Allah.” [Sūrah al-Hashr: 1]
“The seven heavens and the Earth and all they contain glorify Him, and there is not a thing but extols His glory; but you do not understand how they glorify Him.” [Sūrah al-Isrā': 44]
One day, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) departed from his home at dawn to go to the mosque for the Morning Prayer. His wife was offering her prayers in the area of her home where she used to pray. He returned home after sunrise and found her still seated in her prayer area.
He asked: “have you been like this since I left you?” She replied that she had.
He said: “I have uttered four phrases since I left you and uttered them three times. If they were weighed against everything that you have said in supplication since the start of the day, they would equal it: ‘Glory and praise be to Allah to the number of His creations, and to the degree that He Himself is pleased with, and to the weight of His throne, and to the extent of His words’.” [Sahīh Muslim(2726)]
We glorify Allah by extolling His glory with our tongues. We also do so in our five daily prayers. While bowing we say: “Glory be to Allah the Magnificent.” Likewise, while prostrating, we say: “Glory be to Allah, the Most High.” In observing these rites of prayer, we exalt Allah’s magnificence simultaneously with our bodies and our words, since we are invoking Allah’s transcendent glory while we are ourselves in positions of utmost humility and subservience to Him.
We see that the Qur’an refers to our daily prayers as engaging in His glorification where it says: “So glory be to Allah when you enter upon the night and when you enter upon the morning – unto Him be praise in the heavens and on Earth! – and at the Sun’s decline and at midday.” [Sūrah al-Rūm: 17-18]
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Bacaan Dalam Solat Perlu Tertib

BOLEHKAH ustaz senaraikan surah yang perlu dibaca dalam solat? Apakah benar panjang pendek sesuatu surah itu akan menentukan kedudukannya sama ada di rakaat awal atau akhir.

Ustaz Zahazan Mohamed

BACAAN surah dalam solat hendaklah dibaca dengan tertib dan tartil serta dibezakan bacaan dengung suara antara sebutan rahmat dan sebutan azab, antara sebutan tahmid (memuji) dengan sebutan tamjid (memuliakan), antara sebutan wa'du (janji baik untuk yang taat) dengan wa'id (janji jahat untuk yang ingkar). Jika kita melakukan sedemikian, barulah solat kita dikatakan berbekas pada jiwa dan perasaan.
Begitu juga hendaklah kita berhenti (waqaf) pada tiap-tiap ayat, atau di tempat yang dipandang baik berhenti pada tempat itu.

Mengenai soal memanjangkan atau memendekkan surah yang dibaca iaitu Rasulullah SAW kadang-kala membaca surah panjang, sederhana dan kadang-kadang pendek. Baginda SAW membaca bersesuaian dengan keadaan ketika itu.

Rasulullah SAW juga sentiasa membaca surah dari awal, tidak pernah Baginda memulakan bacaan pada pertengahan surah atau pada akhir surah. Baginda SAW kadang-kadang menghabiskan bacaan surah di pertengahan surah itu pada satu rakaat saja, dan kadang-kadang Baginda berhenti di pertengahan surah dan Baginda menamatkannya di rakaat kedua.

Tidak ada riwayat yang menyatakan Nabi SAW membaca satu atau dua atau tiga ayat daripada satu-satu surah, atau membaca akhir surah melainkan di solat sunat fajar (Subuh).

Pada solat sunat fajar (Subuh), Nabi SAW membaca di rakaat pertama satu ayat pada surah al-Baqarah, iaitu ayat 136. Pada rakaat kedua sunat fajar (Subuh), Baginda membaca satu ayat pada surah Ali Imran ayat 64.

Rasulullah SAW pernah membaca satu surah di kedua-dua rakaat, seperti mana Baginda pernah membaca kedua-dua surah tiap-tiap rakaat. Umpamanya, Rasulullah SAW pernah membaca surah al-A'raf pada solat Maghrib, sebahagiannya Baginda baca di rakaat pertama dan sebahagian lagi dibaca pada rakaat yang kedua.

Rasulullah SAW pernah membaca surah al-Zalzalah di kedua-dua rakaat solat Subuh. Rasulullah SAW pernah membaca kedua-dua surah daripada surah al-Mufashshal, pada satu-satu rakaat.

Rasulullah SAW pernah memanjangkan bacaan ketika solat Subuh setiap hari, lebih panjang daripada solat fardu yang lain pada hari itu.

Rasulullah SAW pada setiap solat ghalibnya (lazimnya) memanjangkan bacaan surah pada rakaat pertama dibandingkan rakaat kedua.

Surah terpendek yang Baginda baca pada solat Subuh ialah Surah Qaf dan surah yang ukuran sepertinya. Menurut keterangan yang sahih, bacaan ketika solat Subuh itu, lazimnya sebanyak 60 hingga 100 ayat (iaitu bagi tiap-tiap rakaat).

Di solat Subuh pada pagi Jumaat, Baginda tetap membaca pada rakaat pertama Surah as-Sajadah dan di rakaat kedua, membaca surah al-Insan. Baginda membaca dengan lengkap, tidak pernah Baginda membaca setengahnya saja.

Pada solat Zuhur, Rasulullah SAW membaca (panjangnya) 30 ayat (seperti panjang surah as-Sajadah). Rasulullah SAW juga membaca pada solat Zuhur surah al-A'la dan al-Lail atau Surah al-Buruj dan surah At Taariq dan seumpamanya.

Ketika solat Jumaat, Rasulullah SAW biasa membaca surah al-Jumaah pada rakaat pertama dan surah al-Munafiqun pada rakaat kedua. Adakalanya Baginda SAW membaca surah al-A'la dan al-Ghasyiah.

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Green Tea
- by Ustaz Anwar Mohammad -

Daripada Anas bin Malik r.a., Baginda s.a.w. bersabda, "Tidaklah beriman seorang daripada kamu sehinggalah aku lebih dicintainya daripada keluargamya, hartanya dan seluruh manusia." (Riwayat al-Bukhari)
Cinta adalah buktil iman. Tidak berlaku percintaan yang hanya melibatkan satu pihak sahaja. Cinta terbit daripada dua pihak yang saling menyintai. Cinta agung hanyalah pada hubungan Allah dengan hamba-Nya. Namun apa pula bukti cinta? Jika bukti cintanya Allah kepada hamba-Nya terletak pada kesenangan hidup yang dinikmati, Firaun dan Qarun serta para pembesar Musyrikin Quraisy adalah orangnya. Justeru tidak demikian.

Bukti cinta hamba kepada Tuhannya adalah kesanggupan menyerahkan kesenangan hidup bukan menerima kesenangan, sekalipun yang perlu diserahkan itu adalah nyawa.

Lihatlah Sayidina Mus'ab bin Umair r.a. ; tidak berasa ragu-ragu untuk 'menyerahkan' nyawa ibunya sendiri yang masih Musyrik demi mengharapkan cinta Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Walaupun ibunya sudah tidak bermaya akibat mogok lapar yang dilakukannya sebagai usaha memujuk Mus'ab kembali kepada agama sembahan berhala, Mus'ab tidak berganjak.

Apa kata Mus'ab bin Umair, menjawab desakan ibunya ... "Seandainya ibu punyai seratus nyawa ibu keluar satu demi satu, saya tetap tidak akan meninggalkan Islam sama sekali!"

Bukti cinta Mus'ab bin Umair r.a. disambut oleh Allah dan Rasul-Nya; dapat disaksikan tika pengakhiran hidupnya. Sabda Baginda s.a.w. ketika menyaksikan syahidnya Mus'ab, "Lihatlah kepada lelaki ini yang telah diterangi Allah hatinya, sesungguhnya aku melihatnya ketika dia bersama ibu bapanya dahulu adalah seorang yang diberi makan dan minum yang terbaik (meah), namun dia memilih cinta Allah dan Rasul-Nya sepertimana yang kamu lihat sekarang."

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“If Allah were to punish people for their wrong actions, not a single creature would be left on Earth.” (Qur’an, 16: 61)
In this article, we will be talking about Allah’s great Love and Mercy towards human beings in regard to the following five points in brief…
1- The creation of human beings.
2- Human beings were created sinless.
3- The way people’s good and bad deeds are recorded.
4- Repentance.
5- Deeds that wipe sins out.
And lastly, a brief word about those whose repentance won’t be accepted by Allah.
1- The creation of human beings
People will see Allah’s grace upon them, as well as His eternal mercy and compassion, when they reflect on how they were created, received life, and have been carefully protected from the moment of their birth until this very moment.
Allah calls upon people to reflect on their creation in the following verse:
“Does not humanity recall that We created it when it was nothing?” (Qur’an, 19: 67)
Allah places the fetus in the most protective situation, thereby preventing the resulting child from becoming disabled or experiencing pain and suffering.
Whatever a baby needs was created billions of years ago.
From the air that he breathes to his mother’s milk that contains every nutrient he requires, everything is ready for him.
Every person’s body is protected throughout their life within the faultless system that Allah has created.
For example, each person’s heart beats without stopping, even though a person does nothing to ensure this.
If he had to ensure that his heart beat every second of his life, his life would become unbearable, for he would be unable to sleep, eat, or do anything else but think about his heart beating.
However, Allah has ordered each persons’ heart to beat from the moment of life to the moment of death.
As a result, He ensures that each person’s heart will never stop beating, even for a second.
A person has no final control over his or her body, despite asserting the opposite.
Our Most Glorious Lord is the sole controller of each part of a person’s body.
A person cannot independently control and manage the blood traveling with great speed, how much blood the heart pumps, how long it takes to coagulate, and all of the various systems (e.g., respiratory, digestive, immune, nervous, and so on) existing within his body.
A person is dependent upon Allah for everything, as Allah reveals:
“O humanity. You are the poor in need of Allah, whereas Allah is the Rich Beyond Need, the Praiseworthy.” (Quran, 35:15)
Every morning when you wake up, you see that your body works perfectly so that you can live. You breathe with ease, and see a colorful world without exerting the slightest effort.
You will hear noises clearly, sense all the smells with ease, and eat whatever you desire. You do not have to focus and dwell on where the vitamins that you consume in your food are sent, how your immune system operates and interacts with microbes and viruses, how your brain produces images of a piece of furniture, or any other details.
Without any exertion, you can recall what you did yesterday or many years ago and store all of this information in your memory.
Most importantly, despite having a body that operates according to sensitive balances, you will be in good health, for Allah is constantly controlling all of your systems.
This is why people should reflect on the faultless systems and innumerable blessings that our Lord has bestowed upon them.
As Allah reminds us in the Qur’an:
“O humanity. What has deluded you in respect of your Noble Lord—He Who created you, formed you, proportioned you, and assembled you in whatever way He willed?” (Quran, 82:6-8)
Therefore, if a person were to look at his body, a great deal of evidence could be found to lead him to acquire a profound and great love of Allah.
In addition, the universe contains many details, all of which represent innumerable blessings bestowed on people.
All of these extraordinary blessings are created and protected by our one and only Lord: Allah.

Question: I would like to know how many rakats do u have to pray if the time of the prayer has gone past ( kaza ). Some say you just pray the farz Salat which I am doing at the moment when i don't have time to pray at the right time and the salat time has gone past.
Answer: Firstly: It is not permissible for a Muslim to delay the prayer until its time is over with no excuse. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Verily, As‑Salaah (the prayer) is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours” [al-Nisa’ 4:103]
i.e., at specific times.
Reasons why prayers may be delayed until their time is over include sleeping and forgetting. It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik said: The Prophet of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:“Whoever forgets a prayer or sleeps and misses it, its expiation is to make it up as soon as he remembers it.” Narrated by Muslim, 684.
With regard to work, study, etc, these are not excuses that allow delaying a prayer until its time is over. Allaah praises some people by saying (interpretation of the meaning):
“Men whom neither trade nor sale (business) diverts from the remembrance of Allaah (with heart and tongue) nor from performing As‑Salaah (Iqaamat‑as‑Salaah) nor from giving the Zakaah. They fear a Day when hearts and eyes will be overturned (out of the horror of the torment of the Day of Resurrection)”
[al-Noor 24:37]
Green Tea

Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim …… Baru-baru ini muncul sebuah fenomena yaitu terjadi retakan di dasar lautan yang mengeluarkan lava, dan lava ini menyebabkan air mendidih hingga suhunya lebih dari seribu
derajat Celcius. Meskipun suhu lava tersebut luar biasa tingginya, ia tidak bisa membuat air laut menguap, dan walaupun air laut ini berlimpah luah, ia tidak bisa memadamkan api.Laut Yang MendidihNabi SAW bersabda:
Tidak ada yang mengarungi lautan kecuali orang yang berhaji, berumrah atau orang yang berperang di jalan Allah. Sesungguhnya di bawah lautan terdapat api dan di bawah api terdapat lautan.

Ulasan Hadis
Hadis ini sangat sesuai dengan sumpah Allah SWT yang dilansir oleh Al-quran pada permulaan Surah Ath-Thur, dimana Allah bersumpah (Maha Besar Allah yang tidak membutuhkan sumpah apapun demi lautan yang di dalam tanahnya ada api (Al-Bahr Al-Masjur). Sumpahnya:
وَٱلطُّورِ (١) وَكِتَـٰبٍ۬ مَّسۡطُورٍ۬ (٢) فِى رَقٍّ۬ مَّنشُورٍ۬ (٣) وَٱلۡبَيۡتِ ٱلۡمَعۡمُورِ (٤)وَٱلسَّقۡفِ ٱلۡمَرۡفُوعِ (٥) وَٱلۡبَحۡرِ ٱلۡمَسۡجُورِ (٦) إِنَّ عَذَابَ رَبِّكَ لَوَٲقِعٌ۬ (٧) مَّا لَهُ ۥ مِن دَافِعٍ۬ (٨)
artinya : Demi bukit, dan kitab yang ditulis; pada lembaran yang terbuka; dan demi Baitul Ma’mur; dan atap yang ditinggikan (langit), dan laut yang di dalam tanahnya ada api, sesungguhnya azab Tuhanmu pasti terjadi, tidak seorangpun yang dapat menolaknya. (QS. Ath-Thur (52):1-8)
Bangsa Arab, pada waktu diturunkannya Al-quran tidak mampu menangkap dan memahami isyarat sumpah Allah SWT demi lautan yang di dalam tanahnya ada api ini. Karena bangsa Arab (kala itu) hanya mengenal makna sajara sebagai menyalakan tungku pembakaran hingga membuatnya panas atau mendidih. Sehingga dalam persepsi mereka, panas dan air adalah sesuatu yang bertentangan. Air mematikan panas sedangkan panas itu menguapkan air. Lalu bagaimana mungkin dua hal yang berlawanan dapat hidup berdampingan dalam sebuah ikatan yang kuat tanpa ada yang rusak salah satunya?
Persepsi demikan mendorong mereka untuk menisbatkan kejadian ini sebagai peristiwa di akhirat (bukan di dunia nyata). Apalagi didukung dengan firman Allah SWT yang terdapat dalam surah At-Takwir:
وَإِذَا ٱلۡبِحَارُ سُجِّرَتۡ
Green Tea

- by Mohd Shauki Abd Majid - 

Tuntutan al-Quran agar manusia aktif dalam mengharungi kehidupan dunia adalah sesuai dengan status dan fungsinya sebagai manusia. Manusia terdiri daripada roh dan jasad.
Kedua-duanya memerlukan santapan jasmani dan rohani. Di dalam al-Quran manusia dituntut seimbang antara rohani dan jasmani. Dari mana manusia mengetahui Islam mengajarkan bahawa jasmani dan rohani harus seimbang?

Ternyata kata al-hayaat dan al-mamaat di dalam al-Quran yang jumlah hurufnya sama iaitu enam dan ini berulang sama banyak iaitu 145 kali. Jadi ini salah satu bukti bahawa antara rohani dan jasmani diperintahkan agar seimbang.

Jadi salah, jika ditekankan bahawa yang penting adalah solat atau yang penting kerja. Hakikatnya yang betul adalah solat dikerjakan pada waktu solat dan kerja dilakukan pada waktu bekerja. Inilah yang dituntut oleh agama agar manusia menjalani hidupnya secara realistik.

Kejadian manusia yang terindah ini adalah kerana keseimbangan dan kesesuaiannya, sebab itu Islam sahajalah satu-satunya agama yang penuh perseimbangan yang dapat membimbing manusia menuju kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat.

Nabi s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud: Bukan yang terbaik di antara kamu yang mendahulukan akhirat sementara dunia ditinggalkan atau mendahulukan dunia sementara akhirat ditinggalkan. Yang terbaik di antara kamu adalah yang menghimpun keduanya.

Pemahaman yang tidak komprehensif terhadap ayat-ayat dan hadis-hadis telah mendorong sebahagian orang Islam untuk hidup secara zuhud, menahan diri dari hal-hal yang bersifat duniawi. Sebaliknya mendorong mereka untuk hidup secara solih.

Bahkan ada yang hidup secara ekstrem dan berkelakuan seperti rahib dengan menolak segala kemewahan dan kesenangan hidup, tidak mempedulikan makan minum, berpakaian seadanya, tidak memikirkan harta kekayaan dan sebagainya, kerana takut terpedaya oleh pesona dunia.

Demikian tanpa sedar manusia yang diperdaya oleh syaitan menyimpang dari as-Shiraath al-Mustaqim dan menbawa kepada sikap ekstrem yang tidak sesuai dengan agama Islam yang sebenar.

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- By Ibn al-Qayyim -

Because the heart is described as possessing life or death, it is classified into three types:

The First: The Correct and Sound Heart.

This is the truthful and secure (salīm) heart, the only type of heart that its owner can bring to Allāh which will rescue him on the Day of Judgement [from the Grievous Punishment]. Allāh, the Exalted says,
“The Day when neither wealth nor sons will avail, except he who brings to Allāh a truthful and secure heart.” [1]
The meaning of salīm (secure) is sālim (the one who is secure), it has come in this form because it depicts an innate attribute or description of the described. As such it is grammatically like the words tall (tawīl), short (qasīr) or graceful and charming (dharīf).
Therefore the one whose heart is described as salīm is characterised so because this attribute of truthfulness and security has become a constant and established description of it. In this respect it is like the terms, ‘the one who knows’ (‘alīm) and ‘the one who has power’ (qadīr). It is also the opposite of diseased (marīḍ), sick (saqīm) and ailing (‘alīl).
The statements of the people explaining the meaning of the secure and truthful heart have differed. However they all revolve around the [following] basic concept,
[The truthful and secure heart] is that which is secure from every carnal desire that opposes the order and prohibition of Allāh. It is secure from every doubt and uncertainty that would obscure or go against His narrative. It is secure from displaying servitude to any other than He just as it is secure from seeking the ruling of other than His Messenger (ṣallallāhu `alayhi wa-sallam). Therefore it becomes secure through loving Allāh and seeking the ruling of His Messenger. It becomes secure through showing Him dread (khawf), reverential hope (rajā’), placing its trust and reliance upon Him (tawakkul), turning to Him in repentance (inābah), humbling itself before Him (dhull), preferring what pleases Him in every circumstance and distancing itself from everything that would displease Him in every possible way. This is the reality of servitude (‘ubūdiyyah) which can only be directed to Allāh, Alone.
Therefore the truthful and secure heart is that heart which is secure from committing any form of shirk whatsoever and instead its servitude is only directed to, and purely for Allāh, the Exalted. Its desire, love, trust and reliance, repentance, humbleness, dread and reverential hope is only for Allāh and its actions are purely for His sake. Hence if it loves, it loves for the sake of Allāh; if it hates, it hates for the sake of Allāh; if it gives, it gives for the sake of Allāh; and if it withholds, it withholds for the sake of Allāh.
But this alone does not suffice until the heart becomes secure from submitting to, and going to anybody else but the Messenger of Allāh (ṣallallāhu `alayhi wa-sallam) for judgement. Therefore the heart ties a firm bond with him (ṣallallāhu `alayhi wa-sallam), resolving to follow him and obey him alone in sayings and actions. These sayings comprise the saying of the heart – which are the matters of belief, and the sayings of the tongue – which conveys what the heart contains. These actions comprise the actions of the heart – which refer to its desire, love, dislike and other connected matters, and the actions of the limbs.
Therefore the judge for all these matters – the major and minor of them – is that which the Messenger (ṣallallāhu `alayhi wa-sallam) came with. Hence the heart does not put itself before him in any matter related to belief, saying and action. Allāh, the Exalted says,
“O you who believe! Do not put yourself forward in front of Allāh and His Messenger.” [2]
meaning: do not speak [of a matter] until he has spoken of it and do not act until he has commanded it.
Some of the Salaf said,
There is no action, even if it be small, except that two records will be unfurled for it: why? and how?
meaning: why did you do it? How did you do it?
The first question enquires about the cause, onset and motive of the action. Was it done for some temporary, worldly gain or for some worldly purpose such as attaining the praise of people? Was it done for fear of the blame of people, to attain some worldly desire, or to repress some worldly dislike? Or was the motivation of this action the establishment of the rights of servitude [to Allāh], the seeking of increasing ones love of and closeness to Allāh, the Glorious and Exalted, and seeking the means of drawing close (wasīlah) to Him?
The essence of this question is: was it upon you to perform this action for the sake of your Master or did you perform it for some personal gain or by way of following your base desires?
The second question enquires about the following of the Messenger (ṣallallāhu `alayhi wa-sallam) in that action of worship. Meaning: was that action you did from those actions which have been legislated for you upon the tongue of the Messenger or was it an action that he did not legislate and was not pleased with?
Therefore the first question concerns sincerity (ikhlāş) and the second concerns following (mutāba‘ah) for indeed Allāh does not accept any action until both these pre-requisites are met.
The method of absolution from the first question is to purify ones sincerity such that it is for Allāh Alone.
The method of absolution from the second question is to actualise the following of the Messenger (ṣallallāhu `alayhi wa-sallam) and by securing the heart from any intent that would impair its sincerity and any base desire that would impair its following.
This is the reality of the secure and truthful heart from which ensues victory and bliss.

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